Power BI | DAX | Dashboard Building | Market Research
Provided valuable insights related to demographics, consumer preferences, competitor analysis, marketing channels. Also
conducted marketing Research to provide recommendations to the marketing team.
Power BI | DAX | Forecasting | Dashboard Building | Data Modelling
Prepared an end-to-end Business Intelligence Solution for AdventureWorks' business by building an Interactive multiple page Sales dashboard, tracking KPIs, analyzing product-level trends, identifying high value customers and Sales Forcasting etc.
Power BI | DAX | Dashboard Building | HR Analytics
Provided valuable insights to the HR team of a company with the details of department status, job satisfaction, performance status, the employees to be promoted or retreanched.
SQL Joins | Windows Functions | CTEs | Subqueries
Provided insights to the Operations team of a company regarding user engagement, weekly user growth and retention, email engagement, computing moving average of throughput etc.
SQL Joins | Windows Functions | CTEs | Subqueries
Provided insights for the Marketing team and the investors to help them make the right decisions such as finding out the top users, top hashtags, users who never posted a photo, most like photos etc.
SQL Joins | Windows Functions | CTEs | Subqueries
Delivered insights for a Online Music Platform business such as listing the counties providing highest revenue, most popular genre, most regular customer, top selling artists etc.
Pivot Tables | Regression test | Correlation test | Dashboard building
Based on our Client's car features dataset, analyzed how different car features can impact price and profitability using statistical analysis and building a dashboard.
Pivot tables | Trend Analysis
Analyzed customer calls data set, find trends in their call volumes and proposes a manpower plan for day shift & night shift to reduce call abandon rate to 10%
Pivot Tables | Hypothesis Testing | Dashboard building
Conducted hypothesis testing to find out the top factors that influence Gross revenue and rantings of movies. Also provided insights on top movies according IMDB rating, highest grossing movies, the best directors etc.
Python | Jupyter Notebook | Pandas | MatplotLib | Seaborn
Analyzed the sales data to identify trends and patterns related to customer behaviors, and potential pain points and recommended an action plan to increase revenue and improve customer experience.
Python | Jupyter Notebook | Pandas | MatplotLib | Seaborn
Provided Insights to a Hotel Business by analyzing their data using Python and by finding out the top factors that is affecting their hotel reservations. Provided recommendations on priicing and promotional strategies to improve revenue and reduce cancelation rates.